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Walking with Ease

Walking with Ease - 110103

B-Line Trail at Switchyard Park-meet at the outdoor picnic tables east of the Switchyard Park Pavilion. Class lasts approximately one hour and is held entirely outdoors, so dress appropriately for the weather. Walking takes place on the asphalt B-Line Trail. Mobility devices, strollers, and leashed, well-behaved dogs are welcome. Session does not meet May 26.

The Arthritis Foundation's Walking with Ease program is a structured and evidence-based initiative designed to alleviate chronic pain through regular group walking activities. Instructor-led walks take place at local parks and trails. Each one-hour session meets three times per week for six weeks. Participants engage in a warm up and stretching activity, brief education on physical activity, and a guided walk. Walk length and difficulty is individualized for each participant. Participants can expect to walk approximately 20-40 minutes each session. Participation is free!
1 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost Column #10 Availability Column #12
Add To Selection List 110103-A Walking with Ease 05/12/2025 -06/20/2025 9:00 am -10:00 am M, W, F Switchyard Park $0.00/$0.00 Item Details Available